Re: How to 'Tube' / Convoy
Quite apart from stating the obvious, which part of Europe have you worked in where they are anything like as prolific as the UK?
I can think of 4 major german cities where you couldn't have found a single roundabout in the mid 90's - though I concede the possibilty they might have started using them since ( unlikely, knowing the germans)
The same holds true of Luxembourg, Belgium and northern france, (with one horrible exception!) though I can't comment on the tourist areas of the meditterrean.
Originally posted by ManM
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I can think of 4 major german cities where you couldn't have found a single roundabout in the mid 90's - though I concede the possibilty they might have started using them since ( unlikely, knowing the germans)
The same holds true of Luxembourg, Belgium and northern france, (with one horrible exception!) though I can't comment on the tourist areas of the meditterrean.