I did the yearly oil and filter change on the car this morning. All went well until I screwed the sump plug back in and it wouldn't tighten particularly well. I wound it back out to find bits of thread, falling of the plug. I'm guessing the thread came from the sump itself, which appears to be quite a soft alloy. I did try and tighten the sump plug as much as possible, but after a test drive, there is a bit of oil now dripping from the plug. The crush washer is probably not crushing, so isn't helping.
I'm going to pop it along to my Merc dealer (Corfu so no independents) on Monday and from a bit of Interweb research, a new sump seems the order of the day. Maybe he'll suggest helicois but is that sensible with a sump plug; hot liquid under pressure etc.
Any other suggestions for a temporary or permanent fix.
I'm going to pop it along to my Merc dealer (Corfu so no independents) on Monday and from a bit of Interweb research, a new sump seems the order of the day. Maybe he'll suggest helicois but is that sensible with a sump plug; hot liquid under pressure etc.
Any other suggestions for a temporary or permanent fix.