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Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner.. Grhh

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  • #16
    Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

    Originally posted by beep beep View Post thay break there own laws thay inforce on others.. constantly
    Parking is when the vehicle is left unattended - clearly not the case in that video.

    It's a pity that the Daily Wail and others don't redirect their ire at what is really going on this country - such as DEFRA spending Łtens of thousands on protecting grouse on shooting estates from natural predators so that there are plenty for commercial shooting parties. Taxpayers money spent furnishing the filthy rich's playgrounds - more worthy of outrage than parking misdemaenors surely?


    • #17
      Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

      Originally posted by beep beep View Post
      Ha ha !!! Dame what is that about !!! And hes the one parking on the Double Yellow lines ... Ha Ha ha!!! Whos sending him a bill this is completely bonkers- Its quite a inslute a Smart fortwo pure should be used in this manner.
      I'm not sure if the fine/ticket would be declared invalid. It could be if fought.

      For example, I remember where the police stopped someone and tried to nail them for an vehicle infringement, but it didn't stick as the police car hadn't had a daily vehicle check and the correct paperwork filled in for it that it should have done. So in that case the police didn't abide by laws/regulations.

      So one could argue the same on illegally parked camera cars.

      Anyway my favourite related story/myth (don't know if it's true) is where people stole the plates off a speed trap van and then used it as they drove up and down over the limit.


      • #18
        Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

        its completly bonkers there has to be a solution ?


        • #19
          Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

          Originally posted by NBC View Post
          Just to cheer you up - this is an old story but good!

          A dozy traffic warden tipped up his Smart car when he tried to snoop on parkers.

          The sneaky jobsworth drove into a car park with a 15ft camera mast to spy on drivers who hadn’t paid. But he forgot about it when he tried to drive out again.
          The retractable mast snagged on the barrier and upended his little car.

          The driver, who was unhurt, was heard phoning his boss at Traffic Enforcement Systems to say: “I’ve done something really stupid.”
          I especially Love this Post what a great photo


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