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Your old ink cartridges

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  • Your old ink cartridges

    As part of the Charity work Mel and I are doing (we are fund raising coordinators for the local Cats Protection Branch), I have been able to get a partnership with The Recycling Factory.

    They basically will recycle your old ink cartridges, laser toner and very old mobiles*
    Simply head to to get some free envelopes delivered to start collecting. Once you have a few cartridges in there, simply seal and post the free post envelope.

    If you have ink toner, drop me a PM and I can get a box delivered to you for ten or more, and arrange a courier collection.

    *mobile phones: I would not recommend sending phones like the iPhone in as you can get a lot more cash yourself via the recycling comparison sites.

    David Spalton (OMA)> European hosting at Affordable Prices (20% off with SM20)

  • #2
    Re: Your old ink cartridges

    have recieved postal envelopes from the link & have sent 17 printer cartridges .

    tony [ oldgit ]


    • #3
      Re: Your old ink cartridges

      I've some bags on the way for little cartridges but I've two toner cartridges to go. I'm never about for a courier to collect, is there another way?


      • #4
        Re: Your old ink cartridges

        How many have you got and where r you located?
        im doing a run to Birmingham next week if you are en route?

        Both of you thank you so much.
        You can request as many as you like of the envelopes and they all have a barcode on them for us to be credited with the recycling money.

        Toner wise, the company can sort out a courier for ten or more but where possible ill try collect or do something for less.

        David Spalton (OMA)> European hosting at Affordable Prices (20% off with SM20)


        • #5
          Re: Your old ink cartridges

          In that case, I have a cunning plan. If I post them myself with one of the envelopes attached to the each cartridge (inside the box), they should be credited to the cats. I don't mind standing the postage myself if that will work.
          I have two rescue cats and recognise the work that places like this undertake.


          • #6
            Re: Your old ink cartridges

            If you can hold fire, ill ask the company if there is anything they can do re postage.

            Theoretically, if i understand the idea correctly, you stick an envelope with the address on it to the box and send?
            If so, i have a sheet (pdf) of just the address to stick onto boxes, want me to send you that?

            Better trying that, than paying for the postage, money could be used elsewhere rather than the Royal Mail

            David Spalton (OMA)
  > European hosting at Affordable Prices (20% off with SM20)


            • #7
              Re: Your old ink cartridges

              Yeah, pdf would be great, thanks. I'm just waiting for my new cartridge to arrive then I'll have two to send together.


              • #8
                Re: Your old ink cartridges

                Ok guys
                if you have bigger boxes than just the envelope sizes then print this off and attach one to the box.

                Cheers again

                David Spalton (OMA)
      > European hosting at Affordable Prices (20% off with SM20)


                • #9
                  Re: Your old ink cartridges

                  they dont recycle EPSON CARTRIDGES that most people use .

                  tony [ oldgit ]


                  • #10
                    Re: Your old ink cartridges

                    They do recycle them, we just don't get any money for them.
                    The only place I've seen specifically saying they recycle Epson ones is Epson, the company them self.

                    David Spalton (OMA)
          > European hosting at Affordable Prices (20% off with SM20)


                    • #11
                      Re: Your old ink cartridges

                      After annoying friends and family I eventually posted 2 toner cartridges and 12 ink jet cartridges.


                      • #12
                        Re: Your old ink cartridges

                        I love you!

                        Thank you S8RAH
                        David Spalton (OMA)
              > European hosting at Affordable Prices (20% off with SM20)


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