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Hello all smart people
Both here and Smartz seem to be lacking the presence of any mods. My Smartz problem seems resolved (but occurred after clicking a link to another Smartz page) but here I've just been denied the quote function, and as I said, very slow to load so some problem.
Given the unreliability of these two sites, thinking about The Roadster Net (many parts the same as fortwo) or the other one talked about - Smartclub? or SmartofAmerica? as sometimes advice is needed in a hurry. See if Tolsen offers up some info on the latter two sites as he knows them I think.
Just post on Smartz to get your post count up. I'm over there as Pinger.(assuming it is there not here you have a PM waiting). Just post and post in the same thread - just watch which section as on some forums only posts in some sections qualify to add to your post tally.
It's here that I have a PM problem. I tried to register on Smartz a while back but was not able to for some reason?? I do go on for information on Smartz but cannot join - I wonder how deep the forum problems are that are unknown to us.
Many thanks for the other names to look into - like you I may join. Yes, agreed, Tolsen is a top bloke and I appreciate all input he offers. Oh and I was unaware that you are on Smartz - Pinger, yes, I have seen your posts - you too are also very helpful. Wish it was as it was many moons ago but things do change and we must flow with the tide......
When I first joined Smartz (2009) it was a blast. Suspect you were there then too. The 2008 crash slowed it I think as so many were in fear of losing their jobs if caught posting while at work the traffic kinda slowed. The stuff ThatsSmart used to post was hilarious - ditto SuperStevies' replies. FaceBook took some activity from Smartz also. Mainly though it was members changing cars from smarts to others. We still have smarts though and need a resource of info. It'd be a shame if either here or Smartz is left to wither. Shame as well you can't join Smartz. The mods are uncontactable - as I recently discovered - so can't help you there.
I think this may post twice.
Yes, I looked in around then too. Duncan E, Orgaz_M, Tankgirltaz, yes it was a blast - all sorts of fun and a music section that introduced me to many genres. Yes it's a shame I cannot register on Smartz but I'm not missing out on much these days.
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