A neighbour mentioned I had a brake light out so today I though id change the lamp
a simple enough job I thought but on taking the cluster apart I thought while ive got it off the car
ill give it a really good clean in the kitchen sink
well all went well and it came up out of the soapy sink gleaming and shined like a new penny
(obviously I kept all the electric well away from the water (I used wet wipes round that bit lol
put it back on the car and felt quite pleased with myself
looked at the opposite side and thought "I cant do one side and not the other"
so off I went again stripping the cluster down and washing it to within an inch of its life
I think I just answered my own question lol
a simple enough job I thought but on taking the cluster apart I thought while ive got it off the car
ill give it a really good clean in the kitchen sink
well all went well and it came up out of the soapy sink gleaming and shined like a new penny
(obviously I kept all the electric well away from the water (I used wet wipes round that bit lol
put it back on the car and felt quite pleased with myself
looked at the opposite side and thought "I cant do one side and not the other"
so off I went again stripping the cluster down and washing it to within an inch of its life
I think I just answered my own question lol