I have an 04 soft-top that does not run. The garage tells me that the engine casing has been damaged, possibly by the chain inside, & that it's a bit of a gamble taking it all apart to see what's wrong inside the engine.
It's free if anyone wants a project. I'd much rather it went to someone who would try to restore it (I love that car!!!) than selling it for £50 for scrap.
It'd be worth over £1,000 when fixed.
It's pretty cobwebby as it has been off road for over 2 years. The battery has gone and the canvas roof is marked.
It would need picking up from Lee on Solent (PO10).
It's obviously the car on the right in the photo. The one on the left is its boring replacement!
I have an 04 soft-top that does not run. The garage tells me that the engine casing has been damaged, possibly by the chain inside, & that it's a bit of a gamble taking it all apart to see what's wrong inside the engine.
It's free if anyone wants a project. I'd much rather it went to someone who would try to restore it (I love that car!!!) than selling it for £50 for scrap.
It'd be worth over £1,000 when fixed.
It's pretty cobwebby as it has been off road for over 2 years. The battery has gone and the canvas roof is marked.
It would need picking up from Lee on Solent (PO10).
It's obviously the car on the right in the photo. The one on the left is its boring replacement!