I'm calling it a barn find but it has basically been sat in my garage for 4 years. As a result it has all the usual problems for a Smart that has been left undriven - seized alternator, creaky clutch actuator, dead battery. Plus a few other things that weren't right with it before I stopped driving it.
It's a 2007 Finale Edition Coupe. Lots of extras you rarely see - 17" runline wheels, computer etc. Tempted to say it's the best-equipped Roadster on the market!
I am convinced it will take very little work to get the car back running again and you'll have one of the best Roadsters in the country.
See full add on Gumtree: https://www.gumtree.com/p/smart/barn...ion/1414871418
Location is near Wiveliscombe in Somerset. Postcode TA4 2
It's a 2007 Finale Edition Coupe. Lots of extras you rarely see - 17" runline wheels, computer etc. Tempted to say it's the best-equipped Roadster on the market!
I am convinced it will take very little work to get the car back running again and you'll have one of the best Roadsters in the country.
See full add on Gumtree: https://www.gumtree.com/p/smart/barn...ion/1414871418
Location is near Wiveliscombe in Somerset. Postcode TA4 2