Re: Why we shouldn't vote for Brighton for SmartTimes 14
Thankfully something to aim for - sorry for those plugging for Brighton
For those ruling it out - think about it as part of a euro tour maybe? Whenever we have done smartTimes we have always approached it this way (even Riccione when my turbo siezed the only part I missed the smart Roady for was ST part) We have a list of options mulling about for next year for ourselves.
Probably one leg will be partly Ply-Santander - Cas' the other leg will probably be a jaunt through France and Spain stopping over at relatives and friends places along the way.
Some folks don't do distances and probably will never do a continental ST which is a pity, some people don't mind the odd jolly (last year we did Dorset to the NordKapp at the tip of Norway whislt others did Antwerp ST) the cars are certainly more than capable.
So if you folks are even slightly undecided - give it some consideration before ruling it out - after all what an adventure!
I wasn't at Lucerne this year due to no Holiday left but would have loved to have gone, Alpine roads are great fun.
As for Brighton it would have probably been a none starter for me..........
Thankfully something to aim for - sorry for those plugging for Brighton
For those ruling it out - think about it as part of a euro tour maybe? Whenever we have done smartTimes we have always approached it this way (even Riccione when my turbo siezed the only part I missed the smart Roady for was ST part) We have a list of options mulling about for next year for ourselves.
Probably one leg will be partly Ply-Santander - Cas' the other leg will probably be a jaunt through France and Spain stopping over at relatives and friends places along the way.
Some folks don't do distances and probably will never do a continental ST which is a pity, some people don't mind the odd jolly (last year we did Dorset to the NordKapp at the tip of Norway whislt others did Antwerp ST) the cars are certainly more than capable.
So if you folks are even slightly undecided - give it some consideration before ruling it out - after all what an adventure!
I wasn't at Lucerne this year due to no Holiday left but would have loved to have gone, Alpine roads are great fun.
As for Brighton it would have probably been a none starter for me..........