I've been playing with the LED's on my dash.
Thanks to Kane's guide to Surface Mount LED's on the Evilution site.
I changed the button illuminations on the safety island to Amber, the Hazard button to Red, the heated rear screen to Red & the aircon to Blue.
Also using the FQ101 site (thanks guys), I made up the back-to-back LED's (White) to illuminate the heater controls. Works a treat, much brighter than the original bulb.
Sorry the photos are a bit blurred, could of done with a tripod.:redface:
But you get the general idea.
Thanks to Kane's guide to Surface Mount LED's on the Evilution site.
I changed the button illuminations on the safety island to Amber, the Hazard button to Red, the heated rear screen to Red & the aircon to Blue.
Also using the FQ101 site (thanks guys), I made up the back-to-back LED's (White) to illuminate the heater controls. Works a treat, much brighter than the original bulb.
Sorry the photos are a bit blurred, could of done with a tripod.:redface:
But you get the general idea.