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Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner.. Grhh

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  • Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner.. Grhh

    Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner.. Grhhhhhh

    Using smart cars to snoop out side schools and then capture motorists who park illegally even for just a few seconds.
    WTF is this about heres the link i found

    G*d D*me Money Twisted Thieves.. and after stealing all this money from us they have the ordasity to not spend it on Pot Holes nor to get rid of the Billions of tones of so called street furniture they have all ready wasted our money on and don't even get me started on these Bl**dy traffic lights, on some smart car adventures I can barely get out of 3rd gear due to another set of traffic lights on a hill, speed cameras pot holes sorry meteorite creator the list is endless.

    Peak Holiday session, rush hours across Kent wakes up my local government for the next 5 months, what do they spend all the stolen money on, scattering hundreds of unwanted bus stops on as many blind bends as possible, narrowing road makings on perfectly safe roads only to make it lethal to drive on.

    And my favourite when you finally emerge from the horizon blocked traffic game from hell you discover the government has decorating the junctions with traffic cones protecting something so important to stops 100s of cars its invisible????.
    Just cones in the road for nothing. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
    Please don't misunderstand me-i do not agree with reckless driving -speeding or acting like a tit with your car. safety is most important when driving and love paying £30 tax and happy to do so..

    But un-constructive use of our money, its dame entrapment and any of us would be locked up if we did this sitting outside schools spying on people or charging people for the privilege to just get on in life with their car, It's not right... and worse of all its all happening in a lovely smart car...

  • #2
    Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

    Originally posted by beep beep View Post

    Using smart cars to snoop out side schools and then capture motorists who park illegally even for just a few seconds.

    Please don't misunderstand me-i do not agree with reckless driving -speeding or acting like a tit with your car. safety is most important when driving
    Illegal parking at schools is reckless. Unless of course you prioritise a driver's laziness above children's safety.

    However, you will find that many of these types of 'problems' can be erradicated very simply and quickly - by the simple expedient of ceasing to read the Daily Mail. There's better quality journalism on Andrex - before or after use.


    • #3
      Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

      Just to cheer you up - this is an old story but good!

      A dozy traffic warden tipped up his Smart car when he tried to snoop on parkers.

      The sneaky jobsworth drove into a car park with a 15ft camera mast to spy on drivers who hadn’t paid. But he forgot about it when he tried to drive out again.
      The retractable mast snagged on the barrier and upended his little car.

      The driver, who was unhurt, was heard phoning his boss at Traffic Enforcement Systems to say: “I’ve done something really stupid.”


      • #4
        Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

        Originally posted by Thrumbleux View Post
        Illegal parking at schools is reckless. Unless of course you prioritise a driver's laziness above children's safety.
        Agreed. My mother lives 2 doors down from a school and whilst sis-watching one day, I was unfortunate enough to witness a child narrowly being missed by a car turning left. Of course, the car turning left would have been able to see the road clearly had a stupid KA driver not parked on the junction forcing the driver to pull out blind.

        I think we need more of these cars. Parking illegally, even for a seconds can cause an accident. I'm currently battling to get our council to put double yellow lines on both sides of the entrance to my flat as the number of idiots who think it's ok to park right up to the dropped kerb leaving me with zero visibility is on the increase.


        • #5
          Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

          True. It is just a shame that they have to misuse our smarts in the process.

          And a few years later ...
          YES !

          Last edited by NBC; 25-05-12, 07:56 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

            Why is it misuse? If it makes people think twice about their actions, it's a good thing!


            • #7
              Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..


              • #8
                Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..


                • #9
                  Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

                  hardly sneaky or hidden lol - if you saw as many jobs outside schools with children knocked down you would know that unfortunately this kind of thing is neccessary


                  • #10
                    Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

                    Putting to one side the 1 point people seem to only be pointing out the dangers of schools that are situated to a main road with fast moving traffic in most cases, mixing that with selfish drivers and unruly children will always be a terrible combination, some parent will quite happily endanger another child with there car because they just don't care, it's ok in their eyes until their child meets somebody like them self in a car.

                    There seems to of grown a slight misunderstanding in the thread, I condone positive actions to make things better regards different public situations, constructive thinking and positive outcomes i would like to see more of from people who do not benefit directly from the honey pot of money.

                    The point I was trying to highlight is the flippant disregard of the massive amount of money sourced from the public in fining them, the figures prove fines do not correct the action but line the pockets of the local council who constantly pleads poverty but as proven by the many links on the net (eg: Utube) can still go out and purches the most expensive mouth watering stylish smart car on the market and have it fully fitted with stat of the art monitoring equipment hydraulically operated?

                    Dmae!! It's a "in the public's face insult" the cars getting the fines are 1/4 the value price of the car that's doing the fining.
                    Are thay electric smarts?? to save the ozone layer, and protect fossil fuels, promoting a better life style and all that bla bla, Nop- oh I forgot there not worried about the sawing fuels prices nobody can pay, that's right because we are the poor moneyless folks paying them to give us a fine in the first place.

                    May be I'm the only one who can see this has got to be a joke, there has to be a better way to deal with this.


                    These motor bikers coming in useful - That's it drive them out of town but there still paying petrol and road tax to chase the camera car around, so they are still making money .. ha ha ha!!! its totally crazy. hahahah
                    Last edited by beep beep; 25-05-12, 11:43 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

                      Originally posted by NBC View Post
                      Ha ha !!! Dame what is that about !!! And hes the one parking on the Double Yellow lines ... Ha Ha ha!!! Whos sending him a bill this is completely bonkers- Its quite a inslute a Smart fortwo pure should be used in this manner.


                      • #12
                        Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

                        So how else do we punish those who have a blatant disregard for others? If you've got another solution, by all means put it to the local council!

                        Dame them!!


                        • #13
                          Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

                          Originally posted by beep beep View Post
                          Dmae!! It's a "in the public's face insult" the cars getting the fines are 1/4 the value price of the car that's doing the fining.
                          So if a police car can only be used to charge a motorist if the motorist's car is worth more than 1/4 the value of the police car?

                          Originally posted by beep beep View Post
                          The point I was trying to highlight is the flippant disregard of the massive amount of money sourced from the public in fining them, the figures prove fines do not correct the action but line the pockets of the local council who constantly pleads poverty but as proven by the many links on the net (eg: Utube) can still go out and purches the most expensive mouth watering stylish smart car on the market and have it fully fitted with stat of the art monitoring equipment hydraulically operated?
                          Consider it a shrewd financial investment that more than earns its keep then. Keeps down the council tax bill and is avoidable if you don't park illegally. Seems logical to me.

                          Originally posted by beep beep View Post
                          that's right because we are the poor moneyless folks paying them to give us a fine in the first place.
                          Only if you parked illegally.

                          Originally posted by beep beep View Post
                          Are thay electric smarts?? to save the ozone layer, and protect fossil fuels, promoting a better life style and all that bla bla, Nop- oh I forgot there not worried about the sawing fuels prices nobody can pay, that's right because we are the poor moneyless folks paying them to give us a fine in the first place.
                          Illegal parking leads to gridlock and zero mpg. Cities with free moving traffic use less fuel.

                          Really mate - the Daily Mail is milking you.


                          • #14
                            Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

                   thay break there own laws thay inforce on others.. constantly


                            • #15
                              Re: Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner..

                              I get the point trying to be made, but the example is poor. I don't think you will win any friends over with stories of illegal parking at schools.

                              In Edinburgh, the council has just had to refund or cancel 1800 quids worth of tickets issued to drivers using bus lanes. The reason? The camera caught those legally turning into a street over a bus lane. Also, one person was fined for using the bus lane at 6:29 am, 1 minute BEFORE it the use of bus lanes is enforced. I have no problems with bus lanes in general, or the enforcing of those using them illegally, if done correctly. And now that the council (in Scotland at least) can now charge those using them illegally rather than the police, I fear even more that there will be incidents like this happening more often. God help us when the trams are eventually up and running!!

                              Anyways, I think council should stop being anti-car. By being anti-car, they create more traffic in many situations, rather than trying to work how all the different modes of transport can integrate successfully. I'm happy for alternative transport, I use buses a lot in Edinburgh because they work very well, are clean, modern, and on time. I need my car more for work, however. I need to drive in to many city centres for work, and the roads are in need of repairing, better road layouts are required, and trams need to be scrapped lol Even getting there needs a lot of investing.


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