Please don't read on if you don't want to listen to a P*ss off smart car owner.. Grhhhhhh
Using smart cars to snoop out side schools and then capture motorists who park illegally even for just a few seconds.
WTF is this about heres the link i found
G*d D*me Money Twisted Thieves.. and after stealing all this money from us they have the ordasity to not spend it on Pot Holes nor to get rid of the Billions of tones of so called street furniture they have all ready wasted our money on and don't even get me started on these Bl**dy traffic lights, on some smart car adventures I can barely get out of 3rd gear due to another set of traffic lights on a hill, speed cameras pot holes sorry meteorite creator the list is endless.
Peak Holiday session, rush hours across Kent wakes up my local government for the next 5 months, what do they spend all the stolen money on, scattering hundreds of unwanted bus stops on as many blind bends as possible, narrowing road makings on perfectly safe roads only to make it lethal to drive on.
And my favourite when you finally emerge from the horizon blocked traffic game from hell you discover the government has decorating the junctions with traffic cones protecting something so important to stops 100s of cars its invisible????.
Just cones in the road for nothing. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Please don't misunderstand me-i do not agree with reckless driving -speeding or acting like a tit with your car. safety is most important when driving and love paying £30 tax and happy to do so..
But un-constructive use of our money, its dame entrapment and any of us would be locked up if we did this sitting outside schools spying on people or charging people for the privilege to just get on in life with their car, It's not right... and worse of all its all happening in a lovely smart car...