Be patient. Bleeding air out of system takes longer after removal of check valve in thermostat disc.
Keep expansion bottle cap off throughout bleed process.
Lift coolant temperature sensor until coolant leaks out, then push back in place and secure with clip.
Check valve at bottom of expansion bottle could be stuck close. Confirm the 8 mm diameter green plastic ball floats and moves freely only kept in position by the black retainer. Tap side of expansion bottle to confirm. Purpose of this green check valve is to allow air to flow from top of radiator into expansion bottle but stop flow of coolant from inside expansion bottle to radiator which would lead to unnecessary loss of heat.
Keep expansion bottle cap off throughout bleed process.
Lift coolant temperature sensor until coolant leaks out, then push back in place and secure with clip.
Check valve at bottom of expansion bottle could be stuck close. Confirm the 8 mm diameter green plastic ball floats and moves freely only kept in position by the black retainer. Tap side of expansion bottle to confirm. Purpose of this green check valve is to allow air to flow from top of radiator into expansion bottle but stop flow of coolant from inside expansion bottle to radiator which would lead to unnecessary loss of heat.